Sustainability Report 2023

The Sustainability report for 2023 is here! Sustainability is a theme that has an impact on everything. Both we and our customers have sustainability high on the agenda, which is both important and good.
We have a number of measures to be more sustainable in our company:
🌱Member of Etisk Handel Norge since 2008
🌱 ISO-sertifications i in Ledelsessystem for kvalitet og Ledelsessystem for miljø (NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 og NS-EN ISO 14001:2015)
🌱Platinum status in EcoVadis in 2023.
🌱Membership in Grønt Punkt Norge
🌱Membership in RENAS (EE-avfall)
🌱Return arrangement agreement with Foxway (for it-waste and reuse)
🌱Our ISO-sertifications cover 12 of 17 sustainability goals. We have commited to the UNs sustainability goal number 5, 8 and 12.